Cancel Your Appointment

Cancel through the NHS App

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.


NHS App image

GP appointment? Don't need it? Cancel it!

We know people forget things, cancelling GP appointments being one of them. Remember to cancel your appointment if you don't need it.


How to Cancel an Appointment

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please give us as much notice as possible so that your appointment can be offered to someone else.

If you are cancelling please telephone us on 01253 201640 as soon as possible. This will enable us to offer your appointment to someone else.

Alternatively you can cancel your appointment online using Patient Access or The NHS App if you are signed up to the service.

Repeated failure to attend booked appointments is a significant waste of NHS resources

Missed Appointments

The Practice unfortunately experiences a large number of missed appointments each year, approximately 4500. If all of these were 10 minute appointments, this would equate on average to 62.5 hours per week of missed GP and nurses appointments, that could have been used by other patients.

First DNA: You will receive either a text message (if we have your mobile number) or an initial letter to state that you have missed an appointment and the practice will be monitoring any further DNAs.

Second DNA: A letter will be sent to you after you have missed further appointments. This letter will explain the surgery policy and that if you DNA 3 or more appointments you may be deducted from the surgery list.

Final DNA: The matter will be brought to the attention of the Practice Manager and your registered GP to review possible removal from the practice list.

  Missed GP appointments costing NHS millions